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| Micronutrients for Brain Health |

 Micronutrients For Good Brain Health:

As we discussed in the last blog about brain food. so in this blog, I am going to tell you about the micronutrients that are very essential for brain development and their full optimal working. 

Individuals who have nutrition-deficient diets take supplements to make up for the gap that results when not enough fruits, vegetables, and grains are consumed. Before going on a supplement program, you must speak to your physician and nutritionist so that a thorough assessment can be made of your health. 

B vitamins

we will begin with B vitamins. Dr. Khalsa believes that the four most important B vitamins are: B12, B6, and folic acid. 

B12 deficiency is most noticeable among people aged sixty to sixty-nine (25%) and people over eighty (40%). The reason is that hydrochloric acid-the substance that breaks down B12 in the digestive system-declines with age. 

B6 helps convert stored blood sugar into glucose, and we have already explained earlier that glucose is the brain's only fuel. B6 protects blood vessels and some tests have revealed that it also helps prevent heart attacks. since B6 also promotes blood circulation, it can improve memory. 

B1 or thiamine influences metabolic processes in the brain and central nervous system. Dr. Khalsa says it is a powerful antioxidant. It may get depleted when a person consumes too much alcohol.

Folic acid plays a role in depression. Lower levels of this substance can lead to more serious depression. Dr. Null estimates that about one-third of adults are deficient in folic acid. For those who take folic acid supplements, it is recommended that they combine it with 1000 mcg of vitamin B12. 

Vitamin C:

The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C are almost legendary and are known to improve longevity. It helps in creating neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and enhances cognitive abilities. 

A good daily dose for optimal physical and mental functions about 3000 mg, although Linus Pauling, the strongest advocate of vitamin C thinks 7000-10000 mg daily is the ideal. Many doctors tend to disagree unless a person is recovering from certain injuries.

Vitamin E:

This vitamin is supposed to stall the aging process, and hence the brain aging phenomenon. Like its cousin, vitamin C, it is also an antioxidant and when taken with selenium, can improve the brain's cognitive abilities.

Going now to minerals,

  • Magnesium: 
Dr. Null says people who are depressed show a marked deficiency in this mineral. Patients must be encouraged to take magnesium supplements with calcium supplements so that they do not over-react to stress and panic attacks. 
  • Potassium:
It is one of the most abundant minerals found in the body so potassium supplementation is often unnecessary. Dr. Null says potassium can be obtained from such foods as bananas, orange juice, and potatoes. 
  • Zinc: 
Zinc has been credited for its anti-aging properties, but people 50 years old and older are deficient in this mineral. It plays a key role in the brain's metabolic processes and destroys free radical molecules in the brain, protecting cell membranes and sparing neurons from damage. 30-50 mg of zinc is required. 

There are other "Brain Foods" like amino acids-what nutritionists call partial proteins. Examples are glutamine (improves the clarity of thought and alertness), tryptophan (the "feel good" neurotransmitter), arginine (converted by the body into a chemical called spermine which in processing memories and other amino acids.)

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