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As we have already seen the three most powerful laws in the first part now, we will see the next three laws.

Feeling Powerless or Miserable, then give it choice to be at the same place or to improve your hopeless situation, Then you must read 48 laws of Power by Robert GreeneIt is one of the controversial books written by him and I am totally addicted to this masterpiece, In this blog, I am going to write about three powerful laws, and stay tuned!!

#Law 4:

Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor

"The sun. It can only be appreciated by its absence. The longer the days of rain, the more the sun is craved. But too many hot days and the sun overwhelms. Learn to keep yourself obscure and make people demand your return."

Judgment: Too much circulation makes the price go down: The more you are seen and heard from, the more common you appear. If you are already established in a group, temporary withdrawal from it will make you more talked about, even more, admired. You must learn when to leave. Create value through scarcity.  

Everything in the world depends on absence and presence. A strong presence will draw power and attention to you-you shine more brightly than those around you. But a point is inevitably reached where too much presence creates the opposite effect: The more you are seen and heard from, the more your value degrades. You become a habit. No matter how hard you try to be different, subtly, without your knowing why do people respect you less and less. At the right moment, you must learn to withdraw yourself before they unconsciously push you away. It is a game of hide-and-seek.

Another, more everyday side of this law, but one that demonstrates its truth even further, is the law of scarcity in the science of economics. Extend the law of scarcity to your own skills. Make what you are offering the world rare and hard to find, and you instantly increase its value.

#Law 5:

Disdain things you cannot have: Ignoring them is the best revenge

"It is small but painful and irritating. You try all sorts of medicaments, you complain, you scratch and pick at the scab. Doctors only make it worse, transforming the tiny wound into a grave matter. If only you had left the wound alone, letting time heal it and freeing yourself or worry."

Judgment: By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay to an enemy,, the stronger you make him; and a small mistake is often made worse and more visible when you try to fix it. It is sometimes best to leave things alone. If there is something you want but cannot have, show contempt for it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem. 

Desire often creates paradoxical effects: the more you want something, the more you chase after it, the more it eludes you. The more interest you show, the more you repeal the object of your desire. This is because your interest is too strong-it makes people awkward, even fearful. Uncontrollable desire makes you seem weak, unworthy, pathetic. 

First, there is the sour-grapes approach. If there is something you want but that you realize you cannot have, the worst thing you can do is draw attention to your disappointment by complaining about it. An infinitely more powerful tactic is to act as if it never really interested you in the first place. 

#Law 6:

Never Appear Too Perfect

"A garden of weeds. You may not feed them but they spread as you water the garden. You may not see how, but they take over, tall and envious, preventing anything beautiful from flourishing. Before it is too late, do not water indiscriminately. Destroy the weeds of envy by giving them nothing to feed on."

Judgment: Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and admit to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable. 

The human-animal has a hard time dealing with feelings of inferiority. In the face of superior skill, talent, or power, we are often disturbed and ill at ease; this is because more of us have an inflated sense of ourselves, and make it clear to us that we are in fact mediocre, or at least not as brilliant as we had thought. This disturbance in our self-image cannot last long without stirring up ugly emotions. At first, we feel envy. But envy brings us neither comfort nor any closer to equality. 

First, understand that as you gain power, those below you will feel envious of you. They may not show it but it is inevitable. Do not naively accept the facade they show you- read between the lines of their criticisms, their little sarcastic remarks, the sign of backstabbing, the excessive praise that is preparing you for a fall, the resentful look in the eye. Half the problem with envy comes when we do not recognize it until it is too late. 

Thank you for coming and giving your precious time and I hope it will help you in your self-improvement journey. 

Stay Tuned for exciting blogs!!


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