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A Realistic Morning Routine You Can Try!!

Look at this guy; his name is Jeffrey, and we do not want to be anything like him anymore. Jeffrey wakes up late, and the first thing that he does is grab his phone. He goes through all of his notifications, and then he spends over an hour scrolling through Instagram, Tick Tock, and loads of other social media platforms. Jeffrey has Snapchat streaks; 

if you start your day off exactly like Jeffrey, you'll end up precisely like Jeffrey, and the rest of Jeffrey's life is not somewhere you want to look at him as disgusting.

Adonis, as soon as the beautiful sunrise hits Adonis's closed eyes, he opens he's ready for action; he sprints out of his cave and wakes up his brothers; it is time to hunt. He leads them through the jungle up a hill and, underneath a great fallen tree, and brings it back to the tribe all before the rest of the tribe members have woken up; what a productive morning, adonis;

I want to give you a realistic morning routine that's going to be productive enough that you'll literally see some real changes after just one or two weeks. This morning routine is kind of like for the guys who have never really had a morning routine before, and you want to start at like level one, and it's actually the morning routine that I put myself onto precisely two years ago in May 2020. To improve my life, I watched videos on motivation and how to wake up at 4 AM, but for me, consistency was the problem, and I believe most of you have the same problem. 

The best morning routine starts the night before. Say it with me again; the best morning routine starts the night before. I try not to go on any social media one hour before that. Instead, I read a book or do journaling. 

Your brain will give you a lot of excuses like we can do it tomorrow or next week or not to do this nightly ritual and watch movies or series, but tell your brain to shut the fu** up and take charge of it. Make it a priority to make a list before you sleep (a To-do list) to help you start your day with clarity and focus.

The first thing I do in the morning is to meditate. Some of you know the importance of meditation. Those who think meditation doesn't even work, meditation is garbage, or that meditation is for only older adults, or I tried; still, it is not working for me. Then shut up, bro. The one app that I have been using for two years is Medio; you can download it from the google play store, and I swear it will be hard at first but trust me, by everyday practice, you will be able to sit for 30 min. Honestly, when I started doing meditation, I could not sit for 3 minutes. Yes, bro, I am serious. We know our generation is so fu*ki** distracted that we cannot focus for 10 minutes. Meditation will help to increase your focus and productivity. Just go for it and destroy any limiting beliefs you have..!!

The second new thing I do in the morning is gratitude journaling, and trust me, bro, how beautiful and happy I feel every morning after doing this small exercise. I recommend you to do this on paper instead of a PC or mobile. Go into the silent space where you can think and connect to your core. Just grab a notebook, write the date on the top, and write 5 to 10 things you are grateful for. Ex. I am grateful for my family, that brought me this and led me to this. Try to write it in full sentences, and trust me, bro, you won't need w**d anymore in the morning to get high. Meditation and gratitude journaling are literally helping me in my self-improvement journey, and I believe they will help you to become ADONIS.


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