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|| Living a life of spiritual partnership ||


A good wife, a worthy jewel, is the materialisation of the Lord’s infinite grace for one who treads the Pravritti Marga.

Harmony in every walk of life is a rare gift of the Lord to a couple. Each partner should be to the other a true companion in every sense of the term. Grihastha Ashrama is a safe rung in the ladder of evolution to Godhead. Follow the scriptural laws and enjoy infinite bliss. True union can be established on the spiritual basis.

  • Spiritual love can refer to a love rooted in a spiritual connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives.
  • These spiritual loves can serve different purposes: some are meant to walk with us through life, while others are meant to teach us lessons.
  • Sometimes their purpose isn’t obvious right away; that said, our spirituality can help us better understand our relationships.
  • In fact, our spirituality has a heavy influence on all of our relationships, whether we set aside time for engaging in spiritual practices or not.
  • Ultimately, spirituality connects us to something bigger than ourselves, and furthers or stunts our relationships with others based on our spiritual connection.

Both of you should aspire to realize the common goal of life—God-realization. When the couples who live around you vie with one another in materialism, and in their individual capacity, to drag each other down, both of you should compete with each other in advancing rapidly in spiritual Sadhana. What a novel competition! What a blessing it is to have such a competitor as the life- partner!

The female gonads, the ovaries corresponding to the testes in the males, produce, develop and mature precious, vital force like semen. This is the ovum. Though the woman does not actually lose this out of her body, as in the case of semen in man, yet, due to the sexual act, it leaves the ovaries and is taken up in the process of conception to form the embryo. And one knows only too well what a strain and drain on strength child-bearing is to a woman. Repeated depletion of this force and the strain of childbirth makes wrecks of healthy ladies, and works havoc with their strength, beauty and grace as well as their youth and mental power. Eyes lose the lustre and sparkle that are indicative of the inner forces.

The intense sensuous excitement of the act shatters the nervous system and causes debility too. Their system being more delicate and high-strung, females are often more affected than men.

Women should preserve their precious vital force. The ovum and the hormones secreted by the ovaries are very essential for the maximum physical and mental well-being of women.

Women also should observe the vow of celibacy. They also can remain as Naishthic Brahmacharinis like Mirabai and devote themselves to the service and devotion of God. Or they can do Brahma-Vichara like Gargi and Sulabha. They will be styled as Brahma-Vicharinis, enquirers of Brahman, if they adopt this path.

What If a Relationship Lacks Spiritual Connection?

Remember, spirituality is connecting to something bigger than ourselves. It’s practicing peace and purpose, which might involve asking ourselves questions like, “How can I find fulfillment?” and, “How can I live the best life possible?” While some people connect to their spiritual selves by turning to their religion, and others find it in nature or art, our spirituality often has a heavy influence on every area of life. Therefore, our spirituality or lack thereof can have an impact on our relationships. Holland explains:

“A lack of spirituality can harm relationships because individuals may not understand who they are fully. Therefore, if they are not aware of their life purpose, then they may select partners who are not in support of their life purpose. For instance, individuals who are working toward entrepreneurship need to make sure that they are connecting with others who are community helpers and have a heart to serve and a passion to be a beacon of light for others. If they do not select a partner who has a complementary or shared interest, then there will be conflict regarding their choices resulting in communication breakdown and other negativity that will impede the progress of the relationship, as well as impact their lives.”


  1. Very true read 😍 made me read again and again 😌 purpose embrace it seek it know it😎

  2. Very true read 😍 made me read again and again 😌 purpose embrace it seek it know it😎


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