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The single most attractive trait to women is confidence. Confidence, confidence, confidence. It's why nice guys finish last and bad boys have girls lining up outside their door. It's why jerks get the girl while poor old Billy beta gets friend zones.

Fortunately, however, you don't need to be a jerk to succeed with women, life, or career. Being an alpha male does not mean being an asshole. 

It's not the assholeishness of jerks and bad boys that attracts women. It's the raw, unshakable confidence.

Confidence demonstrates that you are a masculine man who can catch big buffalo and protect her from sabertooth tigers. 

Insecurity and neediness demonstrate just the opposite. You are a weak, submissive guy who won't give her the best chance of surviving the harsh evolutionary conditions our ancestors lived in, and thus won't give her the best chance of passing on her genes. 


Do you want to know the single most unattractive trait in the eyes of a woman? It's not a lack of six-pack abs. It's not a single-digit bank balance. No. The single most unattractive trait to a woman is neediness.

You can have six-pack abs and a seven-figure salary, but if you're a needy dude, she's going to find you sexually repulsive. That's why you hear of single millionaires and broke guys sleeping with a different girl every weekend. 

Because while a man's wealth and physical appearance matter to a certain extent, their attractiveness pales in comparison to one thing, and only one thing CONFIDENCE. 

Lesson: Don't be needy. Don't get all insecure and defensive. These are highly unattractive qualities. 


After reading the previous section, you might be thinking something along the following lines, "Okay, so I need to be more confident and cut out any neediness. But how? How do I display confidence?

Here's is a list showing you how to do just that. 

Don't be afraid to disagree: So many guys quickly adjust their opinions to match that of a woman they like. They're scared that if they disagree, she won't like them. Ironically, just the opposite is true. Not being afraid to disagree shows confidence.

Agree and amplify: Woman will sometimes test you as a way of seeing whether or not you're really the strong, masculine "alpha male" you're presenting yourself as, or whether you're just pretending. These tests can come in the form of a snide remark, uncomfortable question, or unnecessary request. 

Be decisive: Confidently lead the interaction, be decisive, take charge, and escalate physically.

Act like your role models: If ever in doubt as to how to act in a certain situation, ask yourself, "what would [you're role model, e.g. James Bond, Julius Caesar] do in this situation? 

Lesson: Display confidence by not being afraid to disagree, not getting insecure or defensive when she tests you, being decisive and taking charge, and acting like men you admire. 


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