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 I'm totally fascinated by "The Power Of Now" written by Eckhart Tolle, and I'm very much excited to share some myths and together we'll burst them. come on!!!

Our ultimate destiny is to re-connect with our essential Being and express from our extraordinary, divine reality in the ordinary physical world, moment by moment. Easy to say, yet rare are those who have attained the further reaches of human development.

MYTH #1 Humanity has reached the pinnacle of its development.

Esalen co-founder Michael Murphy, drawing upon comparative religious studies, medical science, anthropology, and sports, has made a provocative case that there are more advanced stages of human development.

 As a person reaches these advanced levels of spiritual maturity, extraordinary capacities begin to blossom - of love, vitality, personhood, bodily awareness, intuition, perception, communication, and volition.

MYTH #2 We are completely separate from each other, nature, and the Kosmos.

This myth of "other-than-me" has been responsible for wars, the rape of the planet, and all forms and expressions of human injustice. After all, who in their right mind would harm another if they experienced that person as part of themselves? 

Stan Grof, in his research of nonordinary states of consciousness summarizes by saying "the psyche and consciousness of each of us is, in the last analysis, commensurate with "All-That-Is" because there are no absolute boundaries between the body/ego and the totality of existence."

MYTH #3 The physical world is all there is.

Materialistically bound, traditional science assumes that anything that cannot be measured, tested in a laboratory, or probed by the five senses or their technological extensions simply doesn't exist. it's "not real." 

The consequence: all of reality has been collapsed into physical reality. Spiritual, or what I would call nonphysical, dimensions of reality have been run out of town.

David Bohm, with his explicate (physical) and implicate (non-physical) multidimensional model of reality.

This is no mere theory - the 1982 Aspect Experiment in France demonstrated, that two once-connected quantum particles separated by vast distances remained somehow connected. If one particle was changed, the other changed - instantly. Scientists don't know the mechanics of how this faster-than-the-speed-of-light travel can happen, though some theorists suggest that this connection takes place via doorways into higher dimensions.

So contrary to what those who pledge their allegiance to the traditional paradigm might think, the influential, pioneering individuals I spoke with felt that we have not reached the pinnacle of human development, we are connected, rather than separate, from all of life, and that the full spectrum of consciousness encompasses both physical and a multitude of non physical dimensions of reality.

At the core, this new world view involves seeing yourself, others, and all of life, not through the eyes of our small, earthly self that lives in time and is born in time. But rather through the eyes of the soul, our Being, the True Self. One by one, people are jumping to this higher orbit.


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