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“The a person who appears to put the least amount of effort out, while getting the largest amount of effort returned to him by others, comes across as the most socially powerful.”

Chase Amante, Nice guys love to invest as much time, effort, and money into women as they possibly can. They mistakenly assume that the more they invest in a woman, the more attraction she feels for them. This, unfortunately for nice guys, is not the case.

Instead, the truth is that the more you invest in a woman, the more attached/attracted to her you feel. Her attraction for you doesn't change.

The opposite, however, is also true. The more a woman invests in you, the more attracted to you she feels.

Put simply, the less f*cks you give, the more f*cks you get. 

It is for this reason that alpha males can at once seem indifferent and uninvested while having others (both men and women) clamoring for their attention.

Alpha males don't overinvest in women. They invest a tiny bit upfront, such as by approaching, getting a number, arranging to meet her again, and physically escalating their way to bed-but apart from that, an alpha male lets women invest themselves in him. 

On the other hand, your average nice guy wines and dines her for months buys her expensive gifts and lavish designer clothes that fit her perfectly ( he knows her size from all those shopping trips he's accompanied her on), and invests immeasurable energy, emotion, and time in her. Meanwhile, she invests hardly anything in return. 

Lesson: While you don't need to be a total jerk or bad boy to succeed with a woman, there are lessons to be learned. Don't overinvest yourself in any one woman. 

Instead, invest just enough for her to feel comfortable investing herself in you. The more she invests in you, the more attracted to you she becomes.


1.   The less f*cks you give, the more f*cks you get: When you eliminate your inner-nice guy’s excessive eagerness to please others (especially women), you’ll find people (especially women) increasingly seeking your attention and eager to please you.

2.      Investing more in her does not make her more attracted to you: Instead, invest just enough for her to feel comfortable investing in you, because the more she invests in you, the more attracted to you she becomes.

3.      Learn from the bad boys: You don’t need to be a total jerk, but by emulating certain characteristics, such as unflappable confidence and not overinvesting yourself in any one woman.

Also read: 


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