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Alpha males don’t wander this planet waiting patiently for the opportunity to come to them. They make opportunities WANT to knock, and they seem to get all the biggest breaks as a result.

I'll bet you've felt a few waves of jealousy in the past, watching as the alpha males get all the best jobs, the prettiest woman, and the most money.

 If you've ever sat bitterly staring on as a friend went on the vacation of a lifetime with his gorgeous, doting wife, or you've quietly hated him as he left on an all-expenses-paid trip abroad on behalf of the company who values every last noise he makes and every darned breath he takes, you know exactly what I mean.

But sitting where you're sitting, hating others for their accomplishments and muttering about how they can't possibly deserve it more than you do, is exactly why you're not the alpha male in your group.

It's happening because, unlike that guy, you haven't decided what you want and you haven't made up your mind to go out and get it.

so what is that you want from your life? Where do you want to be 12 months from now? How about in five years? What about ten? And what about that very last moment when you breathe your last breath and shuffle off this mortal coil- where do you want to be that day.

To figure that out, you'll need to do some deep thinking. Maybe you have a vague idea already, I wouldn't know, But you sure don't have a cut and dried plan that you've been following since you were out of short trousers. 

How do I know? Because you're not an alpha male yet?

So let's take some time out here while you ask yourself a few questions - and don't come back until you have. I want to see these answers scrawled all over a whiteboard, stuck with superglue to your fridge, or typed up. I want you to answer these questions first, then fill in the blanks that come after them. 

  • What means the most to you in this world?

  •  What would you like to be remembered for?

  •  Who is it that you want to remember you?

  • What do you want to have given back to the world? 

  • What do you want from your career?

  • What hobbies, pursuits and talents do you want to excel at? 

  • What do you want from your love life?

  • What about your family life?

with these things in mind, I want you to write down your goal or goals for your career, interests, achievements, love life, and family in the long term. I then want you to break that down and set yourself goals for six months time, a year from now, five years into the future, and decide on. 

And you will have to do that because, as you keep growing, you'll keep unlocking more opportunities and it's possible that you ll find yourself going in an entirely different direction. That's not a problem, in fact, it is good.

An alpha man knows how to spot opportunities and then adapt his plans to make the most of them. Whatever it is that you have just laminated onto a whiteboard and stuck on your fridge with superglue is just a starting point - it is the view from where you are right now, and things could look completely different from further up towards the top of your personal mountain.

If you are happy sitting around waiting for good things to come to you, that's just fine -  but you will need to put this blog down and walk away because it is not how alpha male thinks.

But if you want your life to be full of meaning, constantly looking forward towards the things that you know you'll one day wonder how you ever lived without, then you need to decide right here, and right now, what those things are. 

If they change along the way, that's a good thing, just as long as you continue to push towards the real meaning of your life. 


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