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Being an alpha male is not about pretending to be just like that one cocky asshole with the wry grin we all know, whose ego is too big to fit in the room. That’s not an alpha male that’s an idiot with arrogance issues. You’re going to need to understand exactly what an alpha male is before you can start reaping the benefits of being that kind of guy.

From where the word (Alpha) came?

Ever since there have been men, those men have looked at other men and said to 

themselves, I want what that guy has. It has always been the case that some men, by dint of 

noble birth or symmetric features or an effortless sense of humor, have had the most 

access to sex, resources, and society’s esteem.

The concept of the alpha male comes from the animal kingdom, and interest in the sorts of 

animal hierarchies led by alphas picked up greatly in the second half of the 20th century.

A solid chunk of that upswing comes from primatology research — researchers have long 

been fascinated by the complicated social structures of chimps, gorillas, and our other 

evolutionary cousins. The alpha chimp and the silverback gorilla,

physically imposing as they often are (alpha chimps have been known to rip tree stumps out 

of the ground in terrifying displays of dominance), have come to symbolize in the public 

imagination a natural order that favors a single dominant male “winner.”

What Does it Mean to Be an Alpha Male?

We all know what it means to be an alpha male, right? You see them all over the movies, on 

television shows, and in books. The alpha male is the hero of every story and the icon we  all aspiring to.

The alpha male is the leader of the pack, the one everyone turns to when they need to know 

what to think or do, the extrovert who’s constantly out on the town with his friends and 

attracts women like flies to the honey jar. In other words, an alpha male is everything you 

wish you could be.

On the other hand, that’s not all that being an alpha male is about. What I just described is a 

fantasy figure that the media has boiled the alpha male down to, a shorthand to describe a 

very complicated reality.

But the trouble with stories is that they never have room to paint the whole picture. They 

give you nuggets to chew on that help you access your own view of an alpha male, but they 

never show what’s going on underneath. 

These stereotypes may help you visualize an alpha male, but they’re not going to help you 

become one. To do that, you’re going to need to go deeper.

So what’s missing from the description? A whole lot. If you want to be an alpha male, 

you need to concentrate on more than just the movie version and more than just the idea 

of being the dominant man in any room. You need to fix

what’s going on under the surface and, when you do, you’ll find that it shines through and 

becomes visible to everyone around you, with no effort needed at all. To be an alpha male, 

you’re going to have to become:

  • Confident in yourself and calm in the face of criticism, knowing without a doubt that you have fulfilled the promise of your character, but without ever displaying arrogance about that fact.
  • Passionate about everything you do, clear about your goals, and driven to reach the next step of the ladder on your journey towards success.
  • Deeply committed to your morals and to earning the trust of everyone around you.
  • Physically fit and healthy, able to take on any sporting challenge or test of strength.
  • Comfortable in the presence of others and genuinely interested in finding out more about them and helping them achieve their own goals.
  • Quick to praise and feel happy for others’ achievements, never feeling jealous of someone else’s success.
  • Tireless in your efforts to better yourself and your circumstances, no matter how difficult the path ahead may seem.
  • Comfortable in the role of a leader and able to inspire others to follow without ever resorting to violence, bullying and intimidation.
  • Humble in your own successes, allowing others to see you for who you are without feeling the need to flaunt the things you have achieved.
  • Driven to succeed and to identify the flaws that are holding you back from doing so, never blaming fate or other people for your failures along the way, and able to learn from your experiences.

These are the traits you need to aspire to so did you find that list motivating, or did you 

find it daunting? 

If you’re excited by the thought of embodying all those qualities, you’re ready to walk the 

path of the ALPHAMALE.

Also read: 


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