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You aren’t an alpha male yet, and getting to that point is going to take a whole lot of personal growth. You’re going to need to work on every aspect of yourself, from your attitude to your work ethic and self-confidence.

But, above and beyond these things, the most important realization you will ever have as you strive to take your place as an alpha male is that there is no “endpoint” to work towards here – you need to embrace the fact that you’re never going to reach the end of this particular leg of the journey.

Once you become an alpha male, your job is not done.

Why? Because an alpha male is all about growing and improving, even if he’s doing pretty good already. He has a laser focus on what he wants to achieve and he’s going to take the quickest route to get there, which means improving himself and adapting on a constant basis.

This applies to every part of his life, from his relationships to his hobbies and career. There is no part of you that is perfect at this moment, and there probably never will be – but it’s your job to keep improving every aspect of your character so that you are constantly reaching greater heights and achievements.

The takeaway from this blog is that you should never shy away from new things, nor decide you can’t do something before you even try. If you’re not ready for it yet, it’s your job to make yourself ready.

I can’t do that for you, I can only keep on drumming it into your brain that it needs to be done. If you start to forget it, come back to this chapter and remind yourself of it if you let yourself forget, you’ll slip right back to the sad little version of yourself that you want so badly to get away from.

Normal men get stuck in a rut because they aren’t prepared to put in the time, effort, and mental strain that it takes to step up to the next level. Alpha males recognize that striving for even the seemingly impossible might be the only way for them to grow and improve. An alpha male then takes that challenge between their teeth and keeps at it until he’s overcome.

Improvement Tips for Alpha Males:

  • Write down a list of challenges that really scare you
everything from climbing a mountain to meeting new people. Jot down the excuse that you’ve always used to convince yourself it’s outside your reach – and now figure out how you can change things so it actually is. 

Pick one thing from that list, then go out and tackle it – keep at it until you’ve overcome. And now you’ve done it once, keep doing it, writing new lists along the way. The challenges will never stop coming, and you should never stop trying to overcome them. 

  • The next time you fail at something, analyze your gut reaction -
Listen to the excuses you are making for yourself. Dismiss them completely and replace that train of thought with a new one: "This is just a stumbling block along the way, and my job here is to work out how to get over it. "Push yourself to overcome the failure in the best way possible, by carrying on forwards, never backing down. 

  • Find your flaws -
Which aspects of yourself are holding you back the most? Are you too lacking in conversation to network at an important work event, or too easily distracted to ever quite finish a task? You're not going to change things overnight, but recognizing where you need to improve is half the battle. It makes you aware of your flaws, which makes you more likely to strive to overcome them when they rear their heads and get in the way of your progress. 

  • Make a change for better -
It doesn't matter what it is - pick one aspect of your life big or small, that you aren't all that happy with right now. Perhaps you're stuck in a dead-end job or you can't bear to look at the view out of your badly located apartment anymore work out what you want to change and then make a plan to change it. Stick to that plan, never wavering, until you've seen it through. 

  • Let go of what is not important -
Take a look at your weekly schedule right now. How much time are you dedicating to the things that will help you improve, and how much time are you spending just playing. 

Around? Success isn't going to come to you, so you're going to need to make time for it. Unless you own a time machine ( and you did, I'm pretty sure I'd know your name already), the only way to do that is to cut out the things that don't matter and aren't going to help you improve. Instead of playing video games tonight, why not work out, make a dinner date with a colleague or learn something new?

Becoming an alpha male is not a pipe dream and it’s not something that only certain guys can achieve. Whoever and wherever you are, you can do this. You just have one final step to take.

You have the opportunity, the tools and the ability to change your life forever, just by following the advice I’ve given you. As long as you stick to it and never let yourself lapse back into the thinking that held you back until now, you can transform yourself into an alpha male.


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